
Voice Overs

Audiobook Demo

American Southern/Standard American/Standard British & North Country


Commercial Demo

I have been doing voice-overs professionally since 1989.  Spots for Johnson and Johnson, Sax 5th avenue, Trivial Pursuit, Vibrance Shampoo, Cool Whip, Clairol, Good Morning America, Lifetime, Oddysey, to name a few and the voice for  “Clinique” from 1996- 2000.  In 2015 I created, produced and performed in a Shakespearean-based audio work called I GRANT I AM A WOMAN.   Please check it out.

I Grant I Am A Woman Promo:

If you haven’t already, please listen to more excerpts from our album I GRANT I AM A WOMAN and experience an aural feast.

January 2025

So Many Freakin Secrets by Janet Cheney

Narrated by Corliss Preston available on audible.

April 2022





 Audiobook Soul’s Journey by Sam Yau 

Music by John Slywka and Narrated by Barbara Zahora,Anish Jethlamani,Corliss Preston,Cheryl Hamada,Steve Spencer

This is a beautiful audiobook of poetry set to music.  Available on Audible and Amazon.


February 2022

 Audiobook SHINE BABY SHINE It’s Now or Never by Karen Wright

Narrated by Corliss Preston 

Available on Audible and Amazon


I have both professional and non-professional students.   Now that technology has allowed more people to participate in this creative world, more people are exploring Voice-Over for their individual growth and taking an interest in how they sound.   Some of my students have very specific goals or reasons to delve into this creative and self-expressive work and others simply want to have fun.  I am happy to share my expertise with anyone who is interested.     Corliss

Currently teaching privately both online and in person in Chicago and the Vernon Hills area.  Please contact me if interested.

Adult classes in Vernon Hills, IL at RBJ Productions Studio.